What is the essence of our approach?
Public and non-profit institutions, organizations, churches and relief works, projects, actions and initiatives in Germany and abroad are our principal mandators.
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To provide an overview of the socio-cultural contexts, organizational and value systems in which we work, as well as the type and scope of our consulting services.
Selected Projects
Building resilience of poor and vulnerable communities affected by climate change in Burkina Faso
Support and facilitate start-up phase of project “Building Resilience of 620,000 Women, Children and Men in Burkina Faso to Climate Extremes and Improving Household Food Security and Income” and related activities by consortium partners Welthungerhilfe and Self-Help Africa and their technical and national implementing partners in Burkina Faso. The project is implemented under the “Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters” (BRACED) Program of the UK Department for International Development – DFID (February – March 2015).
Reintegration and Recovery Program (Phase IV) in South East Liberia
Leading of program preparation Phase IV of the Reintegration and Recovery Program, BMZ funded and contracted through German Development Bank - KFW Entwicklungsbank. It integrates economic and social infrastructure with components in agriculture (value chains), water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), education (basic education and skills training) and Sexual Gender-Based Violence Support. Facilitation of planning activities, including baseline, PRAs and stakeholder consultations and proposal development. Advising implementing partners, Welthungerhilfe, IBIS & medica mondiale (January – August 2014).
Ex-post evaluation of the German contribution to sustainable watershed management of the Lower Mekong Basin
Leadership of a study team of the Centre for Rural Development (SLE), Humboldt University Berlin, implementing an evaluation commissioned by the GIZ corporate evaluation unit: an assessment of two regional projects in the four countries Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam of the former GTZ and InWEnt. Training and facilitation of the 7-member young professional team aimed at applying planning, steering and assessment tools and developing their own role as development practitioners (end of July – September 2013).
Community-based forest management
The integrated project of WHH in Tajikistan aims at contributing to the sustainable improvement of the livelihoods of rural communities by introducing joint forest management. The BMZ-co-financed project is implemented by a local partner in the context two natural reserves. Interventions consist mainly of capacity building of communities and the local forest department and of promoting at different levels the awareness and knowledge on the importance of ecosystems. A mid-term review was implemented to assist the project partners and stakeholders in adjusting to changes in the context of the target region (April 2013).
Baseline on Youth Empowerment and Employment in Liberia
The KfW-funded Reintegration and Recovery Programme in Liberia’s South-East has a focus on infrastructure, agriculture, education and SGBV during its third phase. The program is implemented by Welthungerhilfe (WHH) in collaboration with the NGOs IBIS and Medica Mondiale. It is intended to more systematically address in the future issues related to youth empowerment and employment promotion. This theme was addressed by a baseline study, which was conducted by leading an interdisciplinary team of the Centre for Rural Development (SLE) Berlin, Humboldt University. This included the practical training of five young professionals in conceptualising, planning and implementing development activities (May to November 2012).
Evaluation of HIV and AIDS Programme in Kenya
A programme for comprehensive and compassionate care for orphans and vulnerable children in families and their communities was assessed at the end of a three-year funding period. The USG co-financed programme of KNH and SJCC in Kenya aimed at improving the livelihoods of 34,500 OVC by enhancing local responses (small community projects), i.e. capacity building of 30 local community and faith-based organizations. The evaluation was designed to provide an independent assessment at the different levels of the program, to facilitate learning experiences and to develop recommendations for the stakeholders. The evaluation was implemented by a local and an international consultant (November 2011).
Workshop on HIV and AIDS impact monitoring, Johannesburg
Since 2006 BfdW has increasingly emphasized the monitoring of HIV and AIDS interventions with its partner organizations in Africa. Based on previous experiences and findings an international NGO workshop was designed and facilitated. BfdW partners and other APRODEV partner organizations from nine countries in Africa and Asia, discussed with UNAIDS the state of HIV and AIDS monitoring, the application of UNAIDS indicators and the role of NGOs in national-level monitoring. The workshop was organized in collaboration with CMDS from South Africa (March 2011).
Mid-Term evaluation of Self-Help Group Approach Project, Ethiopia
A Self-Help Group Approach is being implemented through local NGOs, which aims at building 1,000 women groups in disadvantaged communities to overcome poverty and to become self-sufficient to the benefit of their children. The mid-term evaluation was designed to provide Kindernothilfe and its partner with an assessment of the project’s progress, applying OECD-DAC criteria and to facilitate a learning process of the stakeholders. The evaluation was implemented by a mixed team, consisting of a local and an international consultant, supported by an Oromia translator (March-May 2010).
Study of water saving in rice production, Bangladesh
Public, private, non-government extension services in Bangladesh facilitate the spread of “Alternate Wetting and Drying” to help farmers addressing increased challenges of irrigating rice. Adoption and dissemination of the technology were analysed using a multi-level framework, methods of socioeconomic research and participatory action. The contract by the Advisory Service on Agricultural Research for Development of GIZ and the International Rice Research Institute included on the side of SLE Humboldt University the training of the 5-member team of young professionals, which was supported locally by translators (May to November 2010).
Assessment of impact of basic rural energy services, Bangladesh
NGOs and micro finance organizations with support of the Sustainable Energy for Development Programme in Bangladesh facilitate the market introduction of renewable energy technologies, in particular of “improved cook stoves” and “solar home systems”. The impact, poverty orientation and sustainability of the rural energy services were analysed using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. The contract by GIZ (Household Energy Programme, Energising Developing, SED Programme) included on the side of the SLE at Humboldt University the training of the 5-member young professional team, which were supported locally by interviewers/translators (May to November 2009).
Evaluation of fundraising initiative for Eastern Europe, Germany
Founded as a network of diaconia associations and protestant churches in Germany, this initiative aimed to support the livelihoods of people in Eastern Europe through private donations. 15 years after its inception, an evaluation was commissioned with the EKD commission (EKMOE) through DWEKD to analyse the financing strategy, organizational structure and communication strategies in relation to its achievements in order to develop options for its future direction (April to October 2008).
Clients and Partners
- BEAF – Advisory Service on Agricultural Research for Development
- BfdW – Brot für die Welt („Bread for the World“)
- DWEKD – Social Welfare Organisation of the Protestant Church in Germany
- GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
- FAKT - FAKT Consult for Management, Training and Technologies
- FC - Facilitators of Change, Ethiopia
- FNP - Forum para a Natureza em Perigo e Livaningo, Mozambique
- IRRI - International Rice Research Institute, Philippines
- KNH - Kindernothilfe
- SJCC – St. John’s Community Center Pumwani, Kenya
- SLE –Centre for Advanced Training in Rural Development, Humboldt University of Berlin
- WHH – Welthungerhilfe / KfW-funded RRP Programme Liberia (WHH, IBIS und Medica)